
13726667_10210134706350960_7201285914644948446_n“An attitude of gratitude”; a popular expression through the Oprah years on television, and one that continues today.  I’ve kept a gratitude journal several times in my adult life; a recommendation from a book I read at a particularly difficult time in my life, Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach.  It served as a way to ground myself daily to what I’m grateful for, since at the time I was not feeling all that grateful for anything.

This blog is my effort to thank people once a day for an entire year.  Most of them are being thanked because they’ve done something in my 50 years of life to make me who I am today.  I don’t want to wait for an “appropriate” time to start, the first of a month, a New Year, my birthday; so, today, August 12, 2013, begins my documentation of 365 Thank You’s!


FYI: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

36 thoughts on “About

  1. This is a wonderful idea, thank you so much for sharing your journey with us and thank you for following along with my blog. I’m looking forward to the rest of your year!


  2. Simple Abundance has been my bible for years!!!! I also started reading it during a difficult time in my life and it helped me so much. I always start re-reading it on New Years, and now after so many years I usually drop off from the every day read and pick it up occasionally throughout the year and scan to places I need to re-visit.
    So glad to have met your here.


  3. As a frequent visitor to my site (very much appreciated) I need an opinion. In the past week I’ve developed another site with Blogger. I’ve gone to the “dark side” and made it more commercial (offering products I’ve used or read) through Amazon. At present it is an experiment. I’ve posted some older stories to start with. I’d like for you to visit and render a thought or two or word or two. Here’s the link: http://jitterygoat.blogspot.com/
    Thanks much.


    • Wow, great idea. I like your approach. It might be interesting to know why some of the things you’re offering certain products through your site’s store. Just a thought or two about the product might entice the reader to actually buy.
      Good luck to you, I will keep reading!


      • Thanks very much for adding your comments and offering encouragement. I’ve tried all the coffees I picked in the store and read the books in the bookstore. I’ve thought about the same thing, but thought adding another sentence or two might make things too wordy. But I’ll give it a shot. Thanks


  4. I have found your blog just at a time when I am planning on doing the same on my blog. I look forward to reading your daily gratitude posts 🙂


  5. Hello there! What a splendid idea! I like the way that you are using your blog to promote gratefulness. Being thankful can very well be contagious and what a terrific way to spread it! I think I will follow you to learn more about you and whom else you are giving thanks to! 🙂

    So thankful,


  6. Love love love Simple Abundance. It got me through many a difficult time – including chemo. I write in a Gratitude Journal as well, and I recommend it highly to my clients. It really puts things into perspective.


  7. Hi there, I found your blog linking up for the WPC and I must say I like what you’re doing with you little patch of the internet. I think there can never be enough gratitude in this world. Kudos to you for making this a daily practice and sharing it.


  8. Totally in love with the concept. This is something we all should be doing…everyday. It’s the simple things that matters the most. Look forward to your blogs 🙂


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